News & Photos
Latest news from the club
August 2nd Meeting
Winners Meeting #1824 Best evaluator: Pascal MputuTable topics: Claudia TeuckeTM de la soirée: Eric Chiniara Table Topics Theme Random choosing of a mad man by Phil Torre
Yearly Picnic July 29th, 2023
Thanks to all the picture contributors!
Yearly Supper June 20 2023
Thanks to all the picture contributors!
May 23 Meeting
Winners Meeting #1817 Best speaker: Kerry Schacter Best evaluator: John TorreTable topics: Brian Saykaly TM de la soirée: Sonia Apraxine
May 16 Meeting
Tonight's 2 winners!
May 9 Meeting
Tonight's table topics winner
May 2 Meeting
Tonight's winners
April 25 Meeting
Today's table topics winner
April 18 Meeting
Today was Boyoti's Ice Breaker speech
April 11 Meeting
Tonight's two winners.