
Latest news from the club

Speech Tonight

Hi Everyone, Tonight the prepared speech will be: Speech Level: L2 Title: 12 Rules Of Effective Leadership Speaker: Wadih Maalouf The speech will not be recorded, but you will be able to view it live tonight during tonight's Toastmaster meeting. You may come in person...

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Meeting April 23 2024

Meeting April 23 2024

Today, Eloisa did her Ice Breaker speech, which is the Level 1 speech, and Antonio did his first Table Topics Master session. As per the tradition at the Moderators club, we went for some drinks afterwards. Lots of personal growth today, and the club invites you to...

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August 2nd Meeting

Winners Meeting #1824 Best evaluator: Pascal MputuTable topics: Claudia TeuckeTM de la soirée: Eric Chiniara Table Topics Theme Random choosing of a mad man by Phil Torre

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